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Challenge/Response Settings

Whenever an authentication procedure must be enhanced with a 2nd factor, some kind of challenge-/response step needs to be used. The following options are supported in the SLS:

  • simple - The SLS generates a secure random code that can be sent to the user by SMS and has to be entered manually.
  • googleauth - The user has to provide a time-based response code from an authenticator app that was registered previously.
  • webauthn - The user is identified through their client, possibly with biometric mechanisms (e.g. fingerprint scanner on a smartphone), either as a 2nd factor or in a password-less flow.

A few hints about each one:

  • With the simple challenge adapter, the model state create.challenge must be used. This will execute the creation of the secure random value that is then available as a scripting variable to be sent to the user, usually by way of an HTTP call to a REST backend.
  • With the googleauth challenge adapter, no create.challenge step is necessary, since the SLS does not create the challenge; it's created automatically based on the current time.
  • With webauthn things get a bit more complicated as the configuration details depend heavily on how WebAuthn should be used (2FA vs password-less).

For details on how to configure each challenge/response adapter please consult the SLS Administration Guide