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Helm Charts

Install the operator via Helm using the Helm charts. The Helm charts are available on the USP OCI repository:

  • oci://

Download (pull)

To just download the Helm charts (latest release):

helm pull oci://

Install operator

To install the latest operator release (into existing default namespace) use:

helm install usp-core-waap-operator oci:// --version 1.2.1

To install the operator into a custom namespace called usp-core-waap-op use:

helm install --create-namespace --namespace usp-core-waap-operator usp-core-waap-operator oci:// --version 1.2.1

Note: The --create-namespace is required if the namespace does not yet exist but can be also be used if the namespace already exists (helm will then skip namespace creation). Detailed information about --create-namespace and --namespace options are available via helm documentation.

To override the operator configuration settings in the operator-configuration.yaml Helm template, use a local values file, e.g. custom-values.yaml with the -f Helm CLI argument:

helm install -f custom-values.yaml usp-core-waap-operator oci:// --version 1.2.1

Extract Operator Custom Resource Definition (CRD)

In order to extract the CRD (Custom Resource Definition) you can use:

helm show crds oci:// --version 1.2.1 > usp-core-waap-crd-1.2.1.yaml

Note: If you upgrade the operator you manually have to apply the new CRD definition prior to the helm upgrade command!

Upgrade operator

As documented by helm version 3 of helm does not yet support CRD upgrades and as such the will be skipped during a helm upgrade command with a warning, which can be prevented using the --skip-crds flag.

In order to upgrade the current installed CRD you manually have to upgrade it otherwise the upgrade will not be successful!

  1. extract CRD: helm show crds oci:// --version 1.2.1 > usp-core-waap-crd-1.2.1.yaml
  2. manually apply new CRD: kubectl apply --server-side -f usp-core-waap-crd-1.2.1.yaml --force-conflicts
  3. upgrade operator: helm upgrade --namespace <operator-namespace> <release-name> oci:// --version 1.2.1

Note: This generic procedure does not take into account possible manual changes to be applied prior to the operator helm upgrade command as support for automatic migration is not yet provided.


You can use helm template to just render the templates to the console in order to look at the contents, before actually installing the operator:

helm template -f custom-values.yaml usp-core-waap-operator oci:// --version 1.2.1