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Version: 1.2.1 Type: application AppVersion: 1.1.0

Helm chart for the USP Core WAAP operator.


Key Type Default Description
operator.config object {"waapSpecDefaults":{"image":"","version":"1.2.0"},"waapSpecTrafficProcessingDefaults":{"icap":{"image":"","version":"0.0.10"},"openapi":{"image":"","version":"0.0.4"}},"watchedNamespaces":[]} Settings for operator config
operator.config.waapSpecDefaults object {"image":"","version":"1.2.0"} Optional: operation defaults, see field 'operation' in the Core WAAP CRD for possible settings and merge behavior
operator.config.waapSpecTrafficProcessingDefaults object {"icap":{"image":"","version":"0.0.10"},"openapi":{"image":"","version":"0.0.4"}} Optional: operation defaults for traffic processors per type, see field 'operation' in the Core WAAP CRD under 'trafficProcessing' for possible settings and merge behavior
operator.config.watchedNamespaces list [] Optional: list of namespaces for which to process custom resources or ingress manifests (defaults to all).
operator.image string "" Operator container image
operator.imagePullSecretName string "" Optional: Name of the image pull secret to be used by the service account
operator.replicas int 1 Number of replicas (0 or 1)
operator.resources object {"limits":{"cpu":"","memory":""},"requests":{"cpu":"","memory":""}} Resource settings for WAAP operator NOTE: If the fields are left empty, the operator deployment will not contain the corresponding settings, and as a consequence, the clusters own defaults will apply.
operator.resources.limits.cpu string "" CPU resource limit per request
operator.resources.limits.memory string "" Memory resource limit per request
operator.resources.requests.cpu string "" CPU resources required per request
operator.resources.requests.memory string "" Memory resources required per request
operator.serviceAccount string "usp-core-waap-operator" Name of service account
operator.version string "1.1.0" Version of operator to deploy

Autogenerated from chart metadata using helm-docs v1.14.2