Helm chart for the USP Core WAAP operator.
Key | Type | Default | Description |
operator.config | object | {"waapSpecDefaults":{"image":"","version":"1.2.0"},"waapSpecTrafficProcessingDefaults":{"icap":{"image":"","version":"0.0.10"},"openapi":{"image":"","version":"0.0.4"}},"watchedNamespaces":[]} |
Settings for operator config |
operator.config.waapSpecDefaults | object | {"image":"","version":"1.2.0"} |
Optional: operation defaults, see field 'operation' in the Core WAAP CRD for possible settings and merge behavior |
operator.config.waapSpecTrafficProcessingDefaults | object | {"icap":{"image":"","version":"0.0.10"},"openapi":{"image":"","version":"0.0.4"}} |
Optional: operation defaults for traffic processors per type, see field 'operation' in the Core WAAP CRD under 'trafficProcessing' for possible settings and merge behavior |
operator.config.watchedNamespaces | list | [] |
Optional: list of namespaces for which to process custom resources or ingress manifests (defaults to all). |
operator.image | string | "" |
Operator container image |
operator.imagePullSecretName | string | "" |
Optional: Name of the image pull secret to be used by the service account |
operator.replicas | int | 1 |
Number of replicas (0 or 1) |
operator.resources | object | {"limits":{"cpu":"","memory":""},"requests":{"cpu":"","memory":""}} |
Resource settings for WAAP operator NOTE: If the fields are left empty, the operator deployment will not contain the corresponding settings, and as a consequence, the clusters own defaults will apply. |
operator.resources.limits.cpu | string | "" |
CPU resource limit per request |
operator.resources.limits.memory | string | "" |
Memory resource limit per request |
operator.resources.requests.cpu | string | "" |
CPU resources required per request |
operator.resources.requests.memory | string | "" |
Memory resources required per request |
operator.serviceAccount | string | "usp-core-waap-operator" |
Name of service account |
operator.version | string | "1.1.0" |
Version of operator to deploy |
Autogenerated from chart metadata using helm-docs v1.14.2